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Immtalks #2-I Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Metaverse!
Friday, November 18, 2022 in Immworlds Virtual World. 10AM PST, Noon EST, 18:00 CET
at: https://tinyurl.com/Immtalks
This ImmTalk “Why the Metaverse is something you need” is looking at why people are not leaping into the Metaverse, and what would help to get them using virtual worlds regular basis.
ImmTalks are exciting ten minute presentations in the Immworlds virtual world with a lively discussion afterwards. ImmTalks will help you make sense of the Metaverse and what it actually means to you.
“I Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Metaverse!” is presented by Steve LaVigne-CFO of A Dimension Beyond, Inc.
ImmTalks offers presenters with extensive experience in the Metaverse giving short talks about subjects that will give you new insight. We will explore virtual worlds and the many tools that help you to success and understanding of different uses for virtual spaces.
After each talk there will be a 20 minute discussion about the presentation subject and much more. This is a time to learn and share with people in the know and get to make new connections and friends.
Join our next ImmTalks session and come away knowing new things!
The first ImmTalks presentation -“I Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Metaverse!”- is on Friday November 18, 2022 at 10AM PDT or SL time.
Immtalks is a presentation of Immworlds-the web based virtual world system that is only 1 click away!
Click on this URL in your web browser: (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge. It works best in Firefox, especially on older machines!)
Here is the short version: https://tinyurl.com/Immtalks
Or you can use the full link:
Both go to the same place!
Immworlds website: https://immworlds.com
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Youtube video on Immworlds Video Channel!